Rațiu Forum
CRD has great pleasure to announce the establishment of the Rațiu Forum, an initiative within the Central and South-East Europe Programme (CSEEP) at LSE IDEAS, following a May 2019 partnership agreed between the Rațiu Family Charitable Foundation (London), CRD and LSE IDEAS.
Via the Rațiu Forum, RFCF, CRD and LSE IDEAS CSEEP will work to strengthen co-operation in the region, support academic research and freedom, develop projects that promote civic engagement and have democratic values at their core.
The Rațiu Forum will support researchers who focus their study on Romania and the wider region of Central and South-East Europe. Scholars will be offered funding in order to conduct their research and will spend time in London at LSE IDEAS, CRD and at the Babeș – Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania while on this project. The Rațiu Forum will also organise conferences, workshops, student trips to and from the region, and other events that would further co-operation and a better understanding of Romania and Central and South-East Europe.
LSE IDEAS is ranked No.1 university-affiliated think – tank in Europe and second place globally for a number of years, including 2018.
We are glad to announce that the 2021 Annual Review of the Ratiu Forum is now available. Please click here for more details.
“I am delighted that LSE IDEAS will be partnering with the Rațiu Family Charitable Foundation and the Rațiu Centre for Democracy. We expect that the Rațiu Forum will be a key part of our new Central and South-East Europe Programme and that it will foster greater knowledge of Romania and its neighbours in the U.K. and put key Romanian opinion makers in touch with informed opinion at LSE and other British institutions.”
“It is an exciting development and great honour for the Rațiu Foundations to be selected to work in Romania and London with the internationally acclaimed LSE IDEAS. We will together establish the Rațiu Forum in Cluj/Turda as the regional catalyst for analysis and debate on political, economic and social issues facing Romania and central and eastern Europe. Our aim is to inform and assist in strategic decision-making.”